The Oregon Fishing Club knows how devoted trout fisherman can be and want to give them every advantage. Our members have access to 37 bodies of water with strong Rainbow Trout populations. No license is necessary for lakes and ponds, but remember to grab a license for river fishing.

The Basics of Trout Fishing

Find a good lake or river without human commotion nearby. Fish are spooked easily, especially trout. Trout typically face upstream in rivers, waiting for food to filter down towards them, and may be unaware of your presence if you position yourself behind them. In lakes and ponds look for structure with deep water nearby as well as feeder streams and always pay attention to rising fish.

Trout Habits

If trout fishing from the shoreline, look for a clearing with a wide swath of casting space. Trout are always on the lookout for insects, and can often be spotted rising to the surface to nab lunch. Multiple fishing trips will help you get in tune with their feeding patterns, as Rainbow Trout are creatures of habit.

Catching Techniques

Rotating through a variety of lures is smart when trout fishing, as they can be finicky biters. This also applies to colors, as the most attractive shade to trout may vary depending on temperature, sunlight, and other factors. With a spinner or spoon, a steady retrieve is the simplest method, reeling in methodically to draw the fish in. Again, patience is key.